
They met online, but that was only the setting. It could have happened anywhere—a bar, a club, a finishing school, a Turkish bath. It was going to happen somehow, somewhere, but it happened online. She was fresh from finally leaving Leon, after years of saying she would; he was startlingly single, though the women in … Continue reading settling

fluffy white

I think it’s still snowing. I do know my Facebook feed is swirling with all the northerners posting photographs of the fluffy white carpets on their lawns. Believe me, we have a lot of it here too, but I didn’t post a picture. After all, I live in upstate New York. There will be more. … Continue reading fluffy white


In a Shakespearean tragedy, if you were one of the title characters you could quickly assume you would be dead by the end of the production, and you would be right 100% of the time. Romeo, Juliet, Lear, Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello… the list goes on. It was no joy being selected as the primary character. … Continue reading titular