Coincidence or Fate?

coincidence: a remarkable concurrence of events which have no apparent causal connection with each other. fate: the development of events, beyond a person’s control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power. Everything happens for a reason, doesn’t it? Growing up with a strict religious background it was something that was just understood. It was God … Continue reading Coincidence or Fate?

This Is Acting

Life is a series of actions and reactions, the interactions between us and others, between us and our surroundings, and between us and our own minds. We wrestle with decisions every day, fighting against thoughts that could tend to derail us. We have expectations that we strive to achieve, provided we actually believe they are … Continue reading This Is Acting

That R.E.M. Song

“…and that R.E.M. song was playing in my mind. Three and a half minutes. Felt like a lifetime.” ~Better Than Ezra I always wondered what “that R.E.M. song” was, which one from their vast catalog made such an impression on a young Kevin Griffin (lead singer of Better Than Ezra) that he immortalized it in … Continue reading That R.E.M. Song